DAISEY LSP schedule change implemented

DAISEY LSP schedule change implemented

October 1, 2018 all-day

Programs who require the LSP will have until 9/30/18 to fine-tune their LSP data as it will not be used in incentive programs until 10/1/2018. All incentives received for the LSP prior to today will not be impacted.

Below is the old LSP schedule as well as the NEW LSP timing requirements:

Old *New*
Initial w/in 30 days of enrollment w/in 1 month of Enrollment Date
Ongoing 6 months from Initial due date every 6 months from Enrollment Date
Discharge Discharge Discharge (use Discharge Date for date of activity)

Please use the Scheduling Report to determine upcoming LSP due dates.

LSP guidance can be found in the FSSD and MIECHV data dictionaries http://daiseyiowa.daiseysolutions.org/find-answers/#333 and the Scheduling Report Activity Guidance document, http://daiseyiowa.daiseysolutions.org/articles/iowa-miechv-paeys-and-scheduling-report-activity-guidance/.