Switch Access

Switch Access

Note: Not all organizations include users with switch access.

When appropriate, a user could have access to more than one organization within DAISEY. Such users will see at least one extra screen when they log in to DAISEY. Each time a user is added to an additional organization, they will see a “Request for Organizational Access” page when logging in. Click “Continue” to accept access to this new organization. Users will need to click continue for each new organization.

Request for organizational access

Request for organizational access

Once users are assigned to multiple organizations, they must always select which organization they would like to access. A “User Access” page appears, with a listing for each organization and DAISEY role they have access to. Users must then click the radio button next to the organization and click “OK”.

To switch access while already logged in, see
section Organizational Access.

Select user access

Select user access