Safety Mode Feature

Safety Mode Feature

Safety mode provides a way to allow non-DAISEY users (e.g. clients or caregivers of clients) to directly enter data into DAISEY without compromising the security of other data in DAISEY. If the safety mode feature has been added to a form, a green “Safety Mode” button will appear. To enable safety mode for this form, click that button.

Example of form with safety mode feature

Example of form with safety mode feature





After clicking the “Safety Mode” button, an alert box will appear on the screen. Click “Enable Safety Mode” to continue. Click “Cancel” to return.

Safety mode alert box

Safety mode alert box

Once safety mode is enabled, this will be indicated by a blue box near the top of the form. The form can now be filled out. Once the form is submitted, the user is logged out of DAISEY. No other data can be accessed by the person filling out the form.

Safety mode enabled

Safety mode enabled